Music Bingo and Silent Disco Party

Sold Out Music Bingo and Silent Disco Party

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  • Music Bingo and Silent Disco Party
    20th September 2024
    7:00 pm - 11:55 pm

Friday 20th September

Doors open at 7pm.


A night filled with fun.. beginning with Music Bingo and finishing with a FANTASTIC Silent Disco!

Brought to you by Steve Carpenter

Music Bingo brings a twist to the classic game of Bingo! Players compete against one another in a test of musical prowess, sharp reactions and sheer luck. Grab your bingo card, listen up and perhaps be in for a prize or two!

Music Bingo is simple! You’re presented with a classic bingo card but instead of numbers, it has a combination of songs and artists! 

Once you hear a song, you need to figure out if it is on your bingo card. If it is, mark it off – you’re one step closer to glory!

There are multiple prizes on offer for lines and a full house just like classic BINGO! 

There will be a variety of prizes up for grabs for those lucky winners!!

Steve Carpenter has been running regular Musical Bingo Night’s around the local area for over 5 years! 

You can see just how much fun was at our last music bingo night!


If you haven’t been to a silent disco before you definitely don’t want to miss this!!

Put on a pair of headphones and enjoy the music! Now flick between the channels to pick your favourite song to sing and dance along to!

Watch everyone else dancing and singing around you with their headphones on too! Try and work out if they are listening to the same song as you!!

If you’ve never seen a silent disco before, this video will sum it up! It will be so much fun!!

Arrive from 7.00pm and the evening includes a delicious hot buffet supper, all for only £15.

This is a night like no other!! 

Music Bingo combines bingo with Name That Tune and Popmaster! And followed by a Silent Disco with the best party tunes of all time!!


All tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.





Oake Manor Golf Club, Oake, Somerset, TA4 1BA, United Kingdom

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