Oake Manor Golf Club membership is available in various categories to suit all requirements.
Our golf club membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March; however, you can join Oake Manor Golf Club at any time during the year at pro-rata fees.
Membership Prices
Oake Manor Golf Club membership is available in various categories to suit all requirements.
Our golf club membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March; however, you can join Oake Manor Golf Club at any time during the year at pro-rata fees.
Oake Manor Golf Club membership is available in various categories to suit all requirements.
Our golf club membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March; however, you can join Oake Manor Golf Club at any time during the year at pro-rata fees.** A 10 month Direct Debit scheme (April to January) for subscriptions is available on request.
Golf club membership categories available also include junior and corporate memberships.
For example, a Platinum member joining on 1st October pays only half of the subscription rate, plus the entrance fee. Please note that the entrance fee is a “one off” charge on joining and is non-refundable.
In addition to the entrance fee and subscription there is an annual £5 Members Committee Levy to assist in running club activities and members competitions etc. A small annual fee is also payable to National and County Golf Unions.
Senior Section
Oake Manor has a very active and friendly Senior Section. Tee times on Monday mornings are reserved for the Senior Section. When you join the Seniors Captain’s contact information will be in your membership letter.
Ladies Section
Oake Manor Ladies Section have tee times reserved every Tuesday morning. The Ladies are very friendly and welcome new members.
Waiting List
We are currently have a waiting list for membership. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please email golf@oakemanor.com with your details. As soon as there is availability we will contact you.
** When joining mid-point for Bronze pro-rata fees plus 1 month is payable
All fees are inclusive of VAT.
Juniors with no handicap or 28 and above may play at weekends after 2.30pm or 12.30pm in winter. There is no restriction at weekends for juniors playing with an adult or experienced junior with a handicap.